
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Vada Pav - Mumbai Street Style

Vada Pav is the popular snack of the Mumbai city. It can be called as staple food in Mumbai. The people of Mumbai are almost dependent on Vada pav, whenever they want to beat their hunger in the busy schedule and even in the middle of the night. You will found vendors selling Vada pav in every street of Mumbai. This famous snack has become very popular all over the country and it is featured on the menus almost of all the Indian restaurants residing in abroad.

Vada Pav consists of deep fried potato patty or potato dumplings placed in between the slitted bread bun along with hot garlic chutney and fried green chillies.This snack can be relish during any time of day like breakfast or as an evening snack. Vada pav can be best served with the hot Indian chai.

I have already posted vada pav recipe with three chutneys. Both version of vada pav are equally tasty and delicious.

I already have white pav and whole wheat pav on my blog . You can check them too.


  • Batata Vada (Fried Potato Patty or Potato dumplings)
  • Pav bread (Whole Wheat pav or White Pav)
  • Spicy Garlic Chutney
  • Fried green chillies (totally optional)

To Make Batata Vada (Deep Fried Potato dumplings)

For spicy potato stuffing

  • Potato – 4 medium sized
  • Green chillies – 2 nos
  • Garlic – 5 nos
  • Ginger – ½ inch piece
  • Asafoetida – a pinch
  • Turmeric powder – ¼ tsp
  • Mustard seeds – ½ tsp
  • Curry leaves – 5 to 6 nos
  • Cilantro or coriander leaves – 2 tbsp. , Chopped
  • Salt as per taste
  • Ghee or oil– 1tbsp


To Make Batter for Vada

  • Besan (gram flour or chickpea flour) – 1 cup
  • Rice flour – 2 tbsp
  • Asafoetida – a pinch
  • Turmeric powder – ¼ tsp
  • Baking soda – a pinch
  • Ghee – 1 tbsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Water as required

To Make Spicy Garlic Chutney

  • Dry coconut powder – ½ cup
  • Red chilly powder – 1tsp
  • Garlic pods – 4 nos
  • Salt to taste

 To Make Batata Vada (Fried Potato Dumpling)

  • Boil potatoes into the pressure cooker till they soft. Peel them and mash them completely using a fork.

  • Grind ginger, green chillies and garlic into a coarse paste.

  • Heat oil into a pan on the medium flame. Add mustard seeds and wait till they crackle.

  • Then add asafoetida and curry leaves. Fry them for about 5 seconds.
  • Add coarse paste (prepared with ginger, green chillies and garlic) and turmeric powder. Fry till raw smell of masala is completely gone.
  • Then add boiled and mashed potatoes and salt. Mix everything well till mashed potatoes are completely mixed into the masala.
  • Finally add chopped cilantro or coriander leaves. Mix well and turn off the flame.
  • Allow the potato mixture is cool down completely.
  • Then make medium balls from the mashed potato mixture. Flatten the balls .Cover the balls  and keep it aside
  • To Make Batter for Batata Vada
  • Add in besan (gram flour), rice flour, turmeric powder, asafoetida, salt and ghee into a wide bowl. Mix well using your fingers such that ghee should mix in the flour.
  • Add water to the besan mixture and make the batter. The batter should not be too thick or too thin.
  • Lastly add baking soda and give a nice mix. Always add baking soda just before frying batata vadas.


To Fry Batata Vada

  • Heat oil into a frying pan  on the medium flame. Dip each flattened vadas into the batter and coat it evenly with the batter.
  • Slowly drop the batter coated potato balls into the hot oil. Fry them till get  light golden color on both the sides.
  • Remove them on the kitchen paper towels to remove any excess oil.
  • In similar way, fry all the rest of the vadas.

To Make Spicy Garlic Chutney
  • Add in dry coconut powder, red chilly powder, garlic pods and salt into a mixer.
  • Grind them till you get fine powder.
  • Spicy Garlic chutney is ready
To Make Fried Green chillies
  • Slit green chillies. Do not cut them completely into two pieces
  • Deep fry them for 5 seconds on each sides.
  • Then srinkle some salt on fried green chillies.
To Assemble Vada Pav
  • Warm up the pav and slice the pav without breaking it into two parts.
  • Sprinkle spicy garlic chutney on both the sides of the sliced pav. Chutney can be added as per your taste.
  • Place the fried batata vada in between the sliced pav.
  • Serve the vada pav along with green chillies and extra of spicy garlic chutney.


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